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What is the LIFE PACK?


“The AVAR products are fantastic.  I released 10 pounds in less than a month.  It's been 2 months and despite taking a break for holiday eating, I'm amazed that I've kept it off."- Tess V, California

"AVAR has allowed me to access the power to become whom I was meant to be. Thank you AVAR!!!"- Georgianne G, Texas

"I've been on just about every program out there!  With the AVAR Life Pack I'm experiencing results like never before!"-Christine P, Michigan

“I dropped 4 sizes using AVAR's products and meal plan.  I got my energy levels up and it's given me the confidence to do what I love...teach Tae Kwon Do again!- Polly V., Utah

“Thank you Dr. Ola for the Meal Plan, allowing me to train with you and believing in me. i lost 80 lbs since and I'm looking forward to my first bodybuilding competition in August 2013."- Joshuah R., CA

“When I got on the scale I couldn't believe it. I was ecstatic.  This is really doable and my energy levels are just awesome.- Tinesha H., Texas

I had been diligently eating clean and in accordance with Dr. Madsen's nutritional plan for about a week and a half whenmy girlfriend's 40th birthday came around, in Vegas of all places. I was in a panic to not continue with my cleaneating so I decided to pack my meals, after all I was going Saturday morning and returning Sunday afternoon.There I was, at the cabana at the Hard Rock, with my prepared meals, I wasn't going to sacrifice my clean eating.As the afternoon set in I said to myself, "what the heck, a couple drinks won't hurt," and I ordered a drink. This wasthe beginning to a miserable ending. My body had already adjusted to clean eating and in even a short time of a weekand a half, it had detoxed. By consuming the drinks, a shameful total of four, I had sent my body into a whirlwind andI didn't (ok more like I couldn't) go out that night, I spent the night in my room. My body simply rejected the "poison" Ihad ingested. I suffered all night for my ONE moment of "pleasure" in drinking.  Needless to say, I woke up the next day,headed for the gym in the hotel and stayed clear of alcohol!

Lesson Learned:Clean eating is proof that if you LOVE your body it will LOVE you right back. Thanks Dr. Madsen!!!!! - Tatiana V., CA

"Here I am at 20 days on my Lifestyle Journey. I feel better than I have in years. I am sleeping better, have tons of energy, the wrinkles in my skin are plumping out, my hair and nails are growing...but best of all my fasting blood sugar has been under 100 for 6 days straight!"

- Melanie W.M., Utah

This system is supported by other fitness& nutrition experts. Monica Mark-Escalante NASM-CPT, SPN, IFBB Pro and Wellness Director at Sports Pros in Claremont, California, understands the balance between nutrition and exercise. "Dr. Ola's program encompasses the fundamentals of feeding your body well- balanced nutrition to encourage fat burning and muscle building. The Lifestyle Meal Plan provides nutrients your body needs and results in increased energy and weight loss."  

- Monica Mark-Escalante, CA

“Thank you Dr. Ola for being my training partner, the meal plans and the encouragements that help me win." - Bert, CA

"I truly appreciate your help and guidance O (Dr. Ola). I'm getting lots of compliments on my physique and it's all thanks to you. I'm starting to feel like a piece of meat :) I can't wait to be in my first body building show . Again, thank you and I swear I owe you big." - DJ, CA

"It's a blessing to have been involved with AVAR, a company that not only supports my dream to help a lot of people get their health back but also a company that provides products that help me keep up with my bodybuilding training as well as my training partners whom I inroduce the products to and are getting amazing results." - Dr. Ola, CA

“The high quality, natural ingredients supplied in AVAR products is simply amazing.  As a professional athlete, I am always looking for the finest quality of products and nutrients to put into my body to help me perform at my best.  Training and traveling to races can be hard and I have relied on several of AVAR products in particular to help me before, during, and after training, as well as, traveling during races.”


META Meal - By far my favorite product and I rely on it a lot.  I use META Meal every morning and after every intense workout to make sure my body is getting replenished with everything it needs to recover right, so I am ready to go for my next session.  META Meal is especially beneficial for someone who travels a bit, like myself as I travel for races.  Sometimes it is hard to get in a nutritious meal while on the go and META Meal has been a blessing on the go.  I just pack a couple of servings in a little ziplock and I can get in what I need while on the go traveling.  I especially like the addition of the powerful digestive enzymes which help break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats and is key to making sure my body gets everything that is needed.  Being a Vegan-compliant product is a definite plus for myself as well.


META Cardio+ – Along with META Meal, I use META Cardio+ every morning to get my day started off right.  Up until a recent injury, I really feel META Cardio+ had helped me get to a higher cardiovascular fitness level than when I wasn’t using it.  My attitude and energy levels are definitely higher use META Cardio+, which is key to getting through workouts and getting to where I need to be on race day.  It took me some time to get over a little aftertaste I seemed to get if training too soon after consuming, but seems to be better now.


META Burst - I use META Burst before many of my key workout sessions and races, so I am ready to go.  Because of the all natural ingredients, there is no crash like one may get from other energy shots available.  I really enjoy taking META Burst halfway through a long bike session, as it gives me just that little extra edge to get me home feeling strong.  I am loving how convenient the ToGo bottles are for traveling, hiking, and training.


META Renew - I have used META Renew off and on for a bit now, as specified on the bottle label and definitely feel different when taking META Renew.  It a nice cleansing feeling for me and again like META Cardio+, if I feel better, then I’m training and racing better overall. "


-Matt Mangen

Pro Triathlete - AVAR ATHLETE

(After the first of three Pro Championship Races, Matt is ranked 7th Pro in the U.S. Pro Series Rankings for 2013 as a 1st year Xterra Pro Off-road Triathlete.) 



*  These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.


© 2013 My Ultimate Lifestyle.  All rights reserved.​

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